1 - 12/12 projects
Title | Areas | Location |
Drinking Water from the Well Field of the Bayakh-Diender-Thieudem Axis | Dakar |
Urban Water and Sanitation Project (PEAMU) | Thiès |
Dakar seawater desalination plant | Dakar |
Drinking Water Supply in rural areas - COVID-19 emergency response plan | ||
Water supply and sanitation in Ouagadougou | Ouagadougou |
Strengthening of drinking water supply systems in the cities of Saint-Louis, Kaolack and Kolda | Saint Louis, Kaolack and Kolda |
Integrated Water Resource Management and Multi-Use Development Project in the Senegal River Basin (PGIRE) | ||
Interconnection works between the Jaguarí and Atibainha dams | São Paulo- |
"Ramal do Agreste" Water Supply System | State of Pernambuco- |
Ceará Water Belt (Cinturão das Águas do Ceará) | State of Ceará- |
Underwater pipeline "Sealine" | Porquerolles |
Morgavél Adduction System | Morgável |