Aricanduva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor
Our Brazilian team, in partnership was hired by the World Bank to carry out an analysis on an inclusive public transportation system and to build a methodology capable of evaluating the benefits of the BRT Aricanduva Project
- An inclusive public transportation system focusing on socially vulnerable groups in the city of São Paulo
- A project aimed at reducing travel times through exclusive lanes and at promoting quality in public transport
After identifying the geographic, transport, socioeconomic and individual barriers that prevent a portion of the population from becoming public transport users in São Paulo, the consortium has made recommendations to the World Bank in accordance with national and international best practices on inclusive measures.
Among the expected results of the financing of the Aricanduva BRT Project, it is expected to improve efficiency in the Bus Operational Control Center, which monitors the entire fleet of 15,000 vehicles. Trips will gain punctuality, speed and safety.
But there are still many challenges ahead. In a city like São Paulo, with 11.8 million inhabitants (FUNDAÇÃO SEADE, 2020), people waste hours in traffic. The poor population is most affected by the lack of urban mobility, resulting in less access to jobs, educational institutions and other opportunities.
The implementation of the Aricanduva Corridor Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) promises to improve the mobility of the city’s East Zone residents. More than 1.2 million people live in areas close to the Corridor, 52% of which are highly vulnerable, including 29,000 families residing in favelas. Every day, around 290,000 people lose, on average, 100 minutes a day in traffic, which is equivalent to 26 days in a year.
Our mission(s)
Analysis on inclusive public transport