Bogota Metro
Construction of Bogotá’s Metro Line 1, the first Metro Line of the Capital and one of the largest projects funded by the World Bank in Latin America
The underground metro line, 26.5 km in length, will run between El Tintal and the station at Street 127 (Calle 127) and have a total of 16 stations.
The tunnel will be excavated by an Earth Pressure Balance TBM.
The metro system is being designed to respond to a demand estimated at more than 1,300,000 passengers per day by 2050, with a critical load at peak time of 80,000 passengers per hour.
Our mission(s)
- Engineering design, including civil engineering design as well as structural and architectural design of the stations
- Design of E&M and communication systems, preparation of the specifications for rolling stock, operation and maintenance, together with cost estimates for construction
- Assistance in the bidding process for the concession of the line