Caculo Cabaça Hydropower Scheme
The Caculo Cabaça hydroelectric project along the Kwanza river will be the country's largest dam, capable of producing 2,200 MW by 2024
Built by China Gezhouba Group.co, Ltd (CGCC), this structuring project is part of the National Energy Security Plan 2025 whose objective is to reach 9,000 megawatts.
The hydroelectric development takes advantage of the 215 m head between the reservoir and the outlet works, downstream from the natural waterfalls of Caculo Cabaça.
The project essentially consists of a roller-compacted concrete dam (RCC) with maximum height of 103 m and 553 m crest length, with storage capacity of about 440 million m³.
The powerplant is equipped with four turbines, with a nominal unit power of 530 MW.
The water circuit flowing into pumps consists of a reservoir intake, four lined headrace tunnels with 9 m inner diameter, a cavern powerplant and two concrete lined tailrace tunnels with 16 m diameter.
The undertaking includes a second powerplant, adjacent to the dam, designed to pump a 60 m3/s environmental flow.
Two substations are envisaged: a 400 kV main substation and a 200 kV ancillary substation.
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