Public schools in Tbilisi
TPF provided consultancy services for project in Georgia "Reconstruction/Rehabilitation of Public Schools in Tbilisi and Increasing Energy Efficiency"
The project consisted of the refurbishment, modernisation, structural and seismic strengtening of 24 public schools (101,200 m²), achieving 40% energy efficiency savings.
We were choosen:
- to assist the Educational and Scientific Infrastructure Development Agency (ESIDA) to select the schools to be rehabilitated on the basis of technical surveys/assesments of the conditions and needs of the schools, including energy audits, structural geotechnical testing and reporting of the evaluation of the existing buildings in accordance with ASCE/SEI 31-03 standards,
- to enable construction work to start as soon as possible on three pilot projects (Schools N36, N165 and 169 with respective floor areas of 5 102 m², 3 946 m² and 6 512 m²), by developing the design and tender documentation,
- to review the "Unified Set of Standards" which outline the minimum standards that this project is to achieve in terms of building refurbishment and layouts, structural and seismic safety, and energy efficiency.
Our mission(s)
Detailed designs:
- architectural,
- engineering,
- structural interior,
- MEP,
- seismic retrofitting,
- building energy performance.