Railway Line Çerkezköy – Kapikule
Construction of Çerkezköy - Kapıkule Section of the Halkalı - Kapıkule Railway Line
The new 152 km electrified (25 kV) double track (passenger/freight) line, equipped with level 1 ETCS (European Train Control System), is part of the belt and road initiative between China and Europe.
It is designed to reach maximum speeds of 200 km/h and will be part of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T).
As a FIDIC Engineer, TPF was entrusted with the design of the section between Kapikule and Çerkezköy, on the Bulgarian border (including three stations), and also work supervision.
The Çerkezköy–Kapikule Railway Line was awarded Project of the Year at the FIDIC Awards 2021. This prestigious award is given to projects that share the ambitions of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers in terms of sustainability, integrity and quality.
Our mission(s)
Design and supervision services as FIDIC Engineer