Road Improvement and Maintenance Project in the Department of Puno - Lot 4
The project aims to improve the level of service of 320 kilometres of roads on the Pro Puno road corridor (Corredor vial Pro región Puno)
The roads, PE-34U, PE-3ST, PE-3SU, PE-36E, PE-36F and PE-38B, covered by the contrat are located in 5 provinces: Sandia, Carabaya, Puno, Chucuito and El Collaoarea.
A team has been mobilized to monitor the modernization, maintenance and emergency repair works, as well as control of vehicle overloading and information collection.
Our task is also to ensure that the Contractor carries out management, improvement and maintenance operations by adopting a preventive attitude, such that performance of the corridor remains within the parameters of the planned service levels at all times, thus avoiding early deterioration of the road.
Our mission(s)
Supervision of the management, upgrading and performance-based maintenance