University of Grenoble
Complete rehabilitation of the Human and Social Sciences Training and Research Unit (UFR)
The PPP project covers a total area of 18,000 m² and consisted of:
- the refurbishment and extension of the "BSHM - Bâtiment des Sciences de l’Homme et des Mathématiques" building,
- the construction of the "Droit 2" building,
- the construction of the "EESS - Espace Européen des Sciences Sociales" building,
- the construction of the "EST - Espace Scénique Transdisciplinaire" building.
The project was designed in High Environmental Quality (HQE) and labeling approaches (in particular, the BBC Renovation Label for the BSHM building).
Our mission(s)
- Structural and fluid engineering
- VRD engineering (roads and other networks)
- Acoustics
- High Environmental Quality (HEQ)
- Coordination of the fire safefy systems