State of Pará
Xingu Regional Sustainable Development Plan (PDRSX)
The Xingu Regional Sustainable Development Plan (PDRSX) aims to promote public policies that result in the improvement of the population's quality of life and in the reduction of regional inequalities and to guide federal programmes, projects and actions to be implemented in its coverage area
The PDRSX sets out the development objectives and priorities of the Region based on its medium- and long-term economic, social, environmental and mobility needs.
The plan concerns the municipalities in the State of Pará and proposes a number of specific projects that relate to :
- land use planning, land tenure regularization and environmental management,
- infrastructure for development,
- incentive to sustainable productive activities,
- social inclusion and citizenship,
- monitoring of the socio-environmental constraints of the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant,
- indigenous peoples and traditional communities,
- health,
- education.
Our mission(s)
Operational and Financial Management of Development Projects