Drinking Water from the Well Field of the Bayakh-Diender-Thieudem Axis |
Senegal |
Urban Water and Sanitation Project (PEAMU) |
Senegal |
Dakar seawater desalination plant |
Senegal |
Todos Pelo Trabalho (Everyone For Work) |
Barcarena (State of Pará)-
Brazil |
Xingu Regional Sustainable Development Plan (PDRSX) |
State of Pará-
Brazil |
Generation Program |
Itapoá (State of Santa Catarina)-
Brazil |
Santa Rita tailings dam |
State of Bahia -
Brazil |
Bahia Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project |
State of Bahia-
Brazil |
Aricanduva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor |
Saõ Paulo-
Brazil |
Mangaraí Pilot Project |
State of Espírito Santo -
Brazil |
Belo Monte Power Plant |
State of Pará-
Brazil |
PROMABEN Program |
Belém (State of Pará) -
Brazil |
ProRural Program |
State of Pernambuco-
Brazil |
Tietê Várzea Resettlement Plan |
State of Saõ Paulo -
Brazil |
Drinking Water Supply in rural areas - COVID-19 emergency response plan |
Water supply in four region's administrative centres |
Bouaflé, Duékoué, Guiglo and Bloléquin
Côte d’Ivoire |
Water supply and sanitation in Ouagadougou |
Burkina Faso |
Strengthening of drinking water supply systems in the cities of Saint-Louis, Kaolack and Kolda |
Saint Louis, Kaolack and Kolda
Senegal |
Integrated Water Resource Management and Multi-Use Development Project in the Senegal River Basin (PGIRE) |
Emergency Control Project against Flooding (PULCI) |
Yagoua - Maga
Cameroon |
Portel Water Supply System |
Portugal |
Maputo’s Stormwater Drainage System |
Mozambique |
Hydrological modeling of the Zambezi River Basin |
Cahora Bassa
Mozambique |
Occurrence of Radioactive Elements in the Waters of the Caetité Uranium Province |
State of Bahia -
Brazil |
Ecological Economic Zoning of the Coastal Region of Ceará |
State of Ceará-
Brazil |
Sewerage System in Camaçari and Dias D’Avila |
State of Bahia -
Brazil |
Atlas of Urban Water Supply in Brazil |
Management of the Hydraulic Public Domain |
Guadalquivir - Ceuta - Melilla river basins
Spain |
Ecological restoration of the Agüera estuary and the dunes of Oriñón |
Dam and Reservoir Safety |
Sorting and Treatment of Industrial Waste |
Spain |
Zarat Seawater Desalination Plant |
Tunisia |
Yanbu-4 independent water producer (IWP) plant |
Ar Rayyis
Saudi Arabia |
National Development Plan 2016 - 2020 |
Bizerte Lake Environmental Project |
Sidi Bouzid Wastewater Treatment Plant |
Sidi Bouzid
Tunisia |
Yesa dam heightening |
Spain |
Seguelil Dam |
Mauritania |
Nopala water supply system |
State of Hidalgo ,
Mexico |
Water leak detection |
Spain |
Almudevar Resevoir Dam |
Spain |
Taif independent Wastewater Treatment Plant Project |
Saudi Arabia |
Tenerife South Seawater Desalination Plants |
Spain |
Jubail 3A Sewater Desalination Plant |
Saudi Arabia |
El Salitre Wastewater Treatment Plant |
Bogota, ,
Colombia |
Flood risk in the Miño-Sil and Ebro river basins |
Dams and Reservoirs of the Regional Government of Extremadura |
Spain |
Singareni Thermal Power Project |
India |
Tabuleiros Litoraneos Irrigation Project – Phase II |
State of Piauí-
Brazil |
Xingó Canal |
States of Sergipe and Bahia-
Brazil |
Frecheirinha dam |
Brazil |
Sewage Treatment Plant of Barra da Tijuca |
Rio de Janeiro-
Brazil |
Recife’s Urban Waste Collection and Cleaning Services |
Recife -
Brazil |
Tietê River Sanitation |
Saõ Paulo-
Brazil |
Teresina’s Water Supply and Sewage System |
Brazil |
Interconnection works between the Jaguarí and Atibainha dams |
São Paulo-
Brazil |
"Ramal do Agreste" Water Supply System |
State of Pernambuco-
Brazil |
Ceará Water Belt (Cinturão das Águas do Ceará) |
State of Ceará-
Brazil |
Regional Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Development Project in Arges County, 2014 – 2020 |
Arges County
Romania |
LUWA Project |
Walloon Region
Belgium |
Navrongo Water Treatment plant |
Ghana |
Verrewinkelbeek Collector |
Beersel, Drogenbos, Linkebeek, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Uccle
Belgium |
Goudel IV Drinking Water Treatment Plant |
Niger |
Banks protection on the Sulina Channel |
Romania |
Public water supply and sewage networks in Bucharest |
Romania |
Irrigation Infrastructure of the Cuba-Odivelas Block |
Portugal |
Samba Cajú Irrigation Project |
Angola |
Upgrade of the Alto Minho wind farm (2nd phase) |
Viana do Castelo district
Portugal |
Carregado photovoltaic project |
Portugal |
Calheta hydroelectric development |
Calheta - Madeira
Portugal |
Development of Rocha and Ameixeira river beds |
Serra de Água - Madeira
Portugal |
Restructuring of the underground networks - Boulevard de la Croisette |
France |
Underwater pipeline "Sealine" |
France |
Valuation of resources from wastewater treatment in the intervention area of Águas do Tejo Atlântico |
Wastewater discharge into the Atlantic Ocean, near the Tagus estuary (Tejo Atlâtinco) |
Underground drainage tunnels in Lisbon |
Portugal |
Mavuzi II Hydroelectric Scheme |
Mozambique |
Maritime Spatial Planning in Mozambique |
Bini Hydroelectric Power Plant in Warak |
Cameroon |
Drinking water distribution network in the city of Luena |
Angola |
National Territorial Development Plan |
National electricity transmission grid |
Caculo Cabaça Hydropower Scheme |
Caculo Cabaça
Angola |
Beira’s Stormwater Drainage System |
Mozambique |
Alto Tâmega Hydropower Complex |
Alto Tâmega, Daivões, Gouvães
Portugal |
Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in Bistrita-Nasaud County |
Bistrita-Nasaud County
Romania |
Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in Arges County |
Arges County
Romania |
Morgavél Adduction System |
Portugal |